I love Punk introduction video


The punk style of make-up

The punk style of make-up it looks like the dark, smoldering punk look with heavy black and pale foundation to give you that "barely alive" look. You need black eyeliner, black mascara; black, grey, pink and red eye shadow; blood red lipstick; light liquid base makeup and Japanese rice face powder.

The punk make-up has to a pale complexion. Use light liquid base make-up to cover your entire face, including your forehead and eyelids, with the base make-up. The purpose is you must be an unnaturally pale appearance.

Punk style of make-up don't add blush or colour on the face. If you want to increase the dramatic look, you can add some colour or some cool shadowing on the face. Using your index finger rub black eyeliner and drag it underneath your cheekbones to give your face a sunken in appearance.

Punk eyes shows dark, mysterious and brooding so people always use eye shadow to deepen their look. Many punks add dark eye shadow to the lids and just underneath the eye. The dark shadow with either a red of pink colour or add sliver or grey on the lid and under the eyebrow.



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